ZoomOn app - Where Should I Place Security Cameras?

Where Should I Place Security Cameras?

Home security cameras can give you peace of mind whether you’re at work, on holiday, or on a business trip. Of course – the more security cameras you have, the better overview you have. However, the placement of cameras should not be thoughtless and irrational. Look at our tips on where to place security cameras!

1) Front door

Some interesting statistics on home security show that the front door is the main entry point for burglars (approximately 34% of all cases). That is why placing an outdoor camera at the front door should be your top priority.

With a camera monitoring your front door, you’ll have a perfect view of everyone going in and out of your home. Of course, it’s not that important to monitor family members. However, if maintenance people, caregivers, and babysitters visit you often, you will surely appreciate the outdoor camera.

Always place outdoor cameras under lights, not above lights. This way, the light will never directly glare at the camera.

A video doorbell is also a great addition to an outdoor camera, giving you a different view of the area outside your front door.

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You can surely use the video doorbell as a primary camera to monitor the front door. The main benefit of video doorbells is the ability to answer right away whenever anyone rings the doorbell.

2) Back and side doors

If burglars fail at the front door, they usually head to other easily accessible points – the back or side doors. Doors that are not so visible are also a big attraction for burglars. So think about adding cameras to these places as well.

Place outdoor security cameras high enough so that it will be a problem for thieves to possibly destroy or disable them. The best height for security cameras is at least 9 feet above the ground.

Most cameras offer at least Ultra HD resolution, so you don’t have to worry about losing details in your video footage. Technological advancement is a beautiful thing!

3) Off-street windows

Be sure to secure your off-street windows as well. If burglars cannot break into your house through the front or side door, they will often break window glass to get into the house.

To sum it up, it is essential to place cameras close to all ground-level doors and windows. And if you install cameras on both sides of these entry points, you’ll make it even better.

4) Driveway

Garages are also an attractive target for thieves. In addition to cars, they are often used to store bicycles, barbecues, garden furniture, and other equipment we use seasonally. Therefore, point your next security camera at the driveway or garage door.

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Do you have a gate at the end of the driveway? Think about a camera to monitor that area as well. You will immediately see who is trying to enter your property through the gate.

If you have these cameras connected via a Wi-Fi network, make sure they can reach the signal. If not, get a Wi-Fi extender or cameras that don’t need a Wi-Fi connection.

5) Common areas

You might not be entirely happy with the idea of having security cameras inside your home. This feeling is understandable, as we watch many TV reports about hidden cameras in public spaces or rental dwellings.

However, cameras in common house areas can answer a lot of questions. For example, if we hear a suspicious noise at night, we can look at the footage and see that it was – at best – just our cat knocking the remote control off the coffee table.

And while we’re at work, we can see, for example, how the babysitter is taking care of our baby, what our dog is doing, or if the caregiver has arrived to see our disabled parents. As you can see, cameras in gathering points like the living room or kitchen are a handy tool!

6) Stairways and hallways

We shouldn’t forget the hallways leading to other house rooms. If someone breaks in through the bathroom window, they will undoubtedly be surprised by a camera in the hallway.

Are you wondering where to place indoor cameras? A security camera placement diagram showing the most common viewing patterns can help. Check
this article!

A camera monitoring the stairway can help if there are elderly residents in the house, who are unsteady on their feet. Since stairs are frequent place accidents, we can check if someone needs help.

7) Yard

Cameras in the yard also come in handy when monitoring the activities of children, pets, or trespassers.

Beware that monitoring your neighbor’s yard with your security camera is illegal in some states. We recommend you check the laws and regulations for your state or country or consult this matter with a lawyer or GDPR expert, if necessary.

But it’s always about the agreement with your neighbors. Some may be happy to have part of their yard monitored. But if you are not on speaking terms with your neighbors, make sure the camera is taking up only your land.

8) Basement

Although a camera monitoring the basement is less necessary, get one if you keep valuables or things you have an emotional attachment to in the basement.

Now you know where to place security cameras!

As you can see, there are many things to consider when placing your security cameras at home. Either way, keep in mind that your interest in home security should not end with purchasing and installing security cameras. 

Other preventative steps are also essential to deter potential thieves and intruders (for instance, regularly emptying your mailbox, putting valuables in a safe, or trimming your hedges). The more things you do to deter potential burglars, the less you’ll worry about your home and your safety!

Start with the home security app ZoomOn!

After reading this article, you know where to place security cameras. Do you feel like having much work ahead of you? Then try getting started with our home security ZoomOn app, which lets you create a simple home camera system using two mobile phones!

Download the ZoomOn app!
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See for yourself that the ZoomOn app is a great helper! Install the app on two phones and take advantage of a 3-day free trial (when you activate an annual subscription). 

With features like Night vision, Recordings, Motion detection, and Two-way sound, you’ll always have your home under control.

You May Be Also Interested In:

▶️ How to Deter Burglars From Your Home?
▶️ Laws And Regulations On Surveillance Cameras
▶️ How to Turn an Old Smartphone Into a Security Camera?

Useful documents

Do you miss datasheets or manuals related to your indoor/oudoor cameras? Download them from our list.

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